We are very proud to announce that JEUNES DIPLOMATES has obtained QUALIOPI certification.
Languages make you feel at home anywhere
Edmund de Waal
What is Qualiopi?
The QUALIOPI label is a guarantee label for services that have particular qualities and meet specific requirements.
Since January1, 2022, Qualiopi is mandatory to benefit from public or mutualized funds delivered by OPCOs, the State, the Regions, the Caisse des dépôts et consignations, Pôle Emploi or Agefiph. Only Qualiopi-certified training organizations will be able to offer you training covered by the CPF.
Since the reform of the apprenticeship and vocational training sector with the law of september 5, 2018 for “the freedom to choose one’s professional future”, training organizations that want to benefit from financing from public or mutual fundsmust meet specific quality criteria and be certified by the RNQ (or Référentiel National de Qualité) : Qualiopi.
We have been audited and assessed on seven (7) criteria and 32 indicators as defined in Article 1 of Decree no. 2019-564 of June 6, 2019 on the quality of vocational training actions:
criterion 1: conditions for informing the public about the services on offer, the time needed to access them and the results obtained;
criterion 2: the precise identification of the objectives of the services offered and the adaptation of these services to the beneficiaries, when designing the services:
Criterion 3: Adaptation of services and reception, support, monitoring and evaluation procedures to the target audience;
criterion 4: suitability of teaching, technical and supervisory resources for the services provided;
criterion 5: qualification and development of the knowledge and skills of the staff responsible for implementing the services;
criterion 6: the service provider’s involvement in its professional environment;
criterion 7: feedback and complaints from stakeholders are taken into account.
If a training organization is Qualiopi certified, you’ll know that it meets the seven quality criteria set out above. For people looking for training, this means that the training organization chosen :
- Good results (certification and customer satisfaction rates).
- Easily adapts to the needs of its beneficiaries.
- Welcomes and supports trainees in the best possible way.
- Possess relevant technical and teaching resources adapted to digital expectations.
- Employs qualified trainers who are experts in their field.
- Takes into account customer feedback and complaints to continuously improve its training services.
Certification puts trainees at the heart of the process, guaranteeing them the best possible professional training experience.
Please contact us to discuss your language training needs.