Tag: CPF

Professional training

What is Qualiopi?

We are very proud to announce that JEUNES DIPLOMATES has obtained QUALIOPI certification. Languages make you feel at home anywhere Edmund de Waal What is Qualiopi? The QUALIOPI label is a guarantee label for services that have particular qualities and meet specific requirements. Since January1, 2022, Qualiopi is mandatory to benefit from public or mutualized funds delivered by OPCOs, the State, the Regions, the Caisse des dépôts et consignations, Pôle Emploi or Agefiph. Only Qualiopi-certified training organizations will be able …
Professional training


NICOLAS BOUZOU, head of economic research firm Asterès, publishes a report on foreign language learning by employees. Only four out of 10 French people have a good command of a second language. Have French employees’ foreign language skills improved? There is currently no nationwide study. On the other hand, a European study sought to measure the proportion of people claiming to speak foreign languages well enough to take part in a conversation. Between 2006 and 2012, the proportion of French …
Professional training

CPF success: language training most in demand

APPRENTICESHIP – LAST YEAR, MORE THAN A MILLION FRENCH PEOPLE TOOK PART IN A TRAINING COURSE THANKS TO A PERSONAL TRAINING ACCOUNT (CPF), EITHER TO MAKE THEIR DREAMS COME TRUE OR TO ACQUIRE NEW SKILLS. MODERN LANGUAGES COME OUT ON TOP. More than 38 million working people – employees, civil servants, self-employed workers and jobseekers – are holders, sometimes without even knowing it, of a personal training account (CPF), supported by Caisse des Dépôts (CDD). With an average cost of …